
Cho Gyu-seong, ‘6 goals in 15G’, “Transfer to Denmark? 100% good decision… “I have no regrets.

Cho Gyu-seong (Midtjylland) does not regret moving to Denmark. Rather, he firmly believes that it was a ‘good decision.’

On the afternoon of the 10th, Cho Gyu-seong faced reporters at Paju NFC (national soccer team training center) and said, “I think it was a 100 percent good decision. He thought it was good to play in front of many fans in the K League, but it was also a challenge. “He says he regrets going to Denmark, but he thinks he’s going step by step, so he has no regrets,” he said.

Cho Gyu-sung left Jeonbuk Hyundai and joined Midtjylland during the transfer window last summer. At the time, he had a loud voice saying he was disappointed. There were offers from big league teams during the winter transfer window, and this was because the competitiveness of the Danish league was not well known. 

Jo Gyu-seong, who headed to Denmark amid concerns, succeeded in a soft landing. Including European competitions, he played 15 official matches and scored 6 goals. He said, “There is no significant difference (from the K League). Denmark also requires a lot of physical strength. “I think it was something I was able to adapt to well,” he said.

Of course, he has no intention of stopping here either. He said, “For everyone, the top five leagues are the leagues they want to go to. I also lived with that dream, and I don’t think there is any reason to play soccer if you don’t have a dream. “I think my goal is to always dream and do my best every day, taking step after step,” he said, expressing his ambition.

▲The following is a Q&A with Jo Gyu-seong.

-It’s been a while since I played in front of Korean fans.
Since it is a home game, I really want to win, and since there are no wins in home games, I want to win in front of many home fans. 

-I see a lot of fans holding Jo Kyu-seong’s signs.
If you train at home, you can communicate with your fans in front of them. In Denmark, it’s nice just to see Asians, but thanks to the fans who come to watch the game, I gain confidence and feel grateful.

-You said that Lee Han-beom (Midtjylland), who went to the Asian Games, told you, ‘I solved the military problem, so take care of yourself.’
It’s true that I said it that way. I served in the military, so I thought it would be good for athletes to experience it, but since I won a gold medal, I should think of it as field learning.

-You must be under a lot of physical pressure after playing in a league game. How is your physical condition?
If you let me play in the game, of course I can play. This is my first time adjusting to jet lag, and that part is difficult. Once again, I feel how great the overseas hyungs are. 

-Is there a secret to being able to adapt right away in Denmark?
There is no secret. I was lucky. The first goal was scored quickly, and the teammates are nice.

-You scored a header against Saudi Arabia in September and continued your momentum with the team.
What he is most confident in is header. I think I and the team will benefit only if I utilize my strengths.

-I wonder if you think entering the market in Denmark was a good choice.
I think it was 100% a good decision. It was great to play in front of many fans in the K-League, but I thought it was a challenge. People say they regret going to Denmark, but I have no regrets because I thought I was going step by step.

-How is it different from the K League?
There isn’t much difference. Denmark also requires a lot of physical strength. I think it was something I was able to adapt to well.

-Coach Klinsmann is constantly calling out three strikers, and what is his special order?

The director only said hello this time. He asks for the physical part, whether it is the first call-up or the match. He thinks that’s what makes him different from others. He tells me to fight strong and connect to our team, which is my strength, so I should make use of this.

-What are the good points of Coach Klinsmann compared to former coach Bento?
It’s about taking care of the players. They are very good in the care department. It’s good to be able to play in 100 percent condition.메이저사이트

-Coach Klinsmann said he had about 10 people in his head who would go to Qatar (Asia Cup). Does he think he went in there?
It’s always a competition every time I join the national team, and I don’t know when I’ll be selected again, and I don’t think it’s strange at all if I’m not selected. That’s why he never seemed to let down his guard even for a moment. 

-My national team teammates are scoring a lot of goals. What are your strengths compared to these players?
A goal is a goal, but I am confident in aerial balls. I think we have strengths in the physical aspect of beating the opponent, possessing the ball, and passing it to our team. I think we need to take advantage of that aspect.

-Hong Hyun-seok expressed his desire to advance to the top 5 leagues.
The top 5 leagues are definitely the leagues everyone wants to go to. I also lived with that dream, and I don’t think there is any reason to play soccer if you don’t have a dream. I think my goal is to always dream, take each step, and do my best every day.

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