
Injury Pron → Resurrection → Wembanyama pair… SAS renews 2-year, 47.3 billion won contract with starting center

San Antonio captured Collins.

‘ESPN’ reported on the 23rd (Korean time) that the San Antonio Spurs renewed a two-year, $35 million contract with Jack Collins.

Collins, a graduate of Gonzaga University, joined Portland with the 10th overall pick in the 2017 draft. Afterwards, Collins showed his potential by getting a chance to play as a backup in Portland.

But injuries caught up with him. He appeared in only 11 games over two years, missing the opportunity to show his abilities on the court. 

Ultimately, Collins left Portland after his rookie scale ended and headed to San Antonio. There were many doubts about him when he joined, but he announced his revival last season.

He appeared in 63 games (26 as a starter), averaging 11.6 points, 6.4 rebounds and 2.9 assists. Collins, who recorded a 37.4% 3-point success rate, contributed to the team in both offense and defense with his athletic ability and passing ability.카지노사이트

Accordingly, San Antonio selected Collins as a frontcourt partner to team up with special rookie Wembanya Ma this season. Collins is expected to serve as San Antonio’s starting center this coming season. San Antonio boldly gave Collins, who is in the rebuilding process, a contract extension and promised to stay with him for a longer period of time.

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