
LG’s competitiveness is a ‘game changer’, not the selection of Lee Jae-do, Lee Kwan-hee, and Gutang

Despite starting the season with three straight losses, Changwon LG is still categorized as a powerhouse. Their depth is their biggest advantage. Lee Jae-do, Lee Kwan-hee, and Justin Gutang are often used as jokers instead of starters.

LG used a double squad last season and finished second in the regular season. The team showed its competitiveness by maintaining its organization while using two squads. LG head coach Cho Sang-hyun and his coaching staff have been working hard to fine-tune the players’ movements.

This season, they added Yang Hong-seok instead of Kim Jun-il (Hyundai Mobis). The team is said to be much more cohesive. Coach Sono Kim Seung-ki said, “LG seems to have the best team composition. They don’t seem to have any gaps no matter who comes out.”

Recently, coach Cho Sang-hyun hasn’t used veterans Lee Jae-do and Lee Kwan-hee in the starting lineup. “Jae-do (Lee) is medically cleared to play, but he’s not 100 percent. I want him to come in and play a game-changing role in the middle,” Cho said, adding, “(Justin) Gutang was a game-changer in the last Samsung, and (Lee) Kwan-hee is doing the same.”

The team will use young players such as Yang Jun-seok, Yoon Won-sang, and Yoo Yoo-sang, and then bring in veterans Lee Jae-do and Lee Kwan-hee as the game progresses. Jung Hee-jae is paired with Asem Marei and Gutang with Dante Cunningham. Jung In-duk, a long, speedy forward, defended guard Lee Jung-hyun in the last two games against Sono. 보스토토

Unsin has a wide range of options depending on the flow of the game and the situation. This is why LG is a team to watch.

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